
Lara Panah-Izadi


Lara Panah-Izadi is a French Amer­ic­an writer and dir­ect­or of middle east­ern des­cent. Her first play was selec­ted for the Yale play­wrights fest­iv­al in 2014. She wrote and dir­ec­ted her first fic­tion short film in 2017 and that year was hired by Para­mount TV stu­di­os in cre­at­ive devel­op­ment to find ideas of IP to adapt into US and inter­na­tion­al TV shows. Her second short film inspired by the life of artist Niki de Saint Phalle won mul­tiple awards at fest­ivals in Europe and the US in 2021. Lara also learned her craft by work­ing on the sets of major Hol­ly­wood dir­ect­ors includ­ing Barry Lev­in­son, Quentin Tarant­ino and more recently Dav­id Finch­er. Lara is cur­rently devel­op­ing two TV shows and a fea­ture. She holds a BA degree in Math­em­at­ics and Philo­sophy and Theat­er Stud­ies from Yale and gradu­ated in 2020 from the pres­ti­gi­ous Dir­ect­ing Work­shop for Women+ pro­gram of the Amer­ic­an Film Insti­tute. She is now based in Europe and rep­res­en­ted by Film Tal­ents in France.