
Lara Sper­ber


Lara Sper­ber is a Ger­man-Amer­ic­an screen­writer and dir­ect­or, based in Ber­lin. As the daugh­ter of an opera dir­ect­or and an artist, she deb­uted into the arts as a song­writer for a Swedish label. She went on to study Film Pro­duc­tion at the Mediaschool Rhein­Main, later pur­su­ing her Screen­writ­ing and Dir­ect­ing degree at ENSAV Toulouse, where she wrote and dir­ec­ted mul­tiple short films, before return­ing to Ger­many where she worked on film pro­duc­tions like Tatort. In 2023, her screen­play GOTTLOS was nom­in­ated for the Tankred Dorst Prize, after gradu­at­ing from Dre­hbuch­werkstatt at the HFF Munich. Spe­cial­iz­ing in genres of thrill­er, hor­ror, crime, and drama, her work explores the con­cepts of truth and belong­ing, the price we pay for injustice, fear, and our abil­ity to over­come it. Draw­ing from her own family’s his­tory of sur­viv­al, she crafts com­plex char­ac­ters in dense, com­pel­ling atmo­spheres with almost no way out but through their resi­li­ence. In addi­tion to her work in film, Lara works as a cre­at­ive dir­ect­or, pro­du­cing and dir­ect­ing high-pro­file nar­rat­ive ad-cam­paigns for inter­na­tion­al brands, lib­er­al insti­tu­tions and cul­tur­al organ­iz­a­tions, mer­ging her artist­ic vis­ion with the demands of com­mer­cial storytelling. With her capa­city to craft com­pel­lingly com­plex stor­ies that have the power to enter­tain inter­na­tion­al audi­ences, she joined the renowned post­gradu­ate Pro­gram Seri­al Eyes to refine her craft as a young female voice in seri­al storytelling and con­trib­ute to a brave, new European Tele­vi­sion landscape.