
Seri­al Eyes goes Podcast!

If you’ve missed the two last DFFB Ses­sions “A Com­plete Guide to the Web Series Phe­nomen­on with Meredith Burk­hold­er” and “Cre­at­ing Sky­lines with alum­nus Den­nis Schanz” you can listen to the talks thanks to IndieFilmTalk !

In the pub­lic lec­ture, A Com­plete Guide to the Web Series Phe­nomen­on, web series expert and Web­Fest Ber­lin presen­ted high­lights from her book Short, Nar­rat­ive & Seri­al­ized, co-authored by Joël Bas­saget. Based largely on a data­base of 6000 web series pro­duced between 1995 and 2017, the lec­ture ana­lyzed genre, pro­duc­tion volumes, glob­al spe­cificit­ies, plat­forms, and budgets.

On Septem­ber 27 Den­nis Schanz’ (SE 2015/16) series, Sky­lines, launched on Net­flix in all mar­kets. Sky­lines is the very first series that has made it from a Seri­al Eyes sem­in­ar room all the way to broad­cast. Seri­al Eyes and the DFFB invited Den­nis to dis­cuss how the series came to life. Den­nis talked about the series’ early begin­nings as part of his SE applic­a­tion all the way to the hit ensemble drama it is now. He also delved into work­ing SE alumni in a writers’ room and being a young showrun­ner in Germany.