If you’ve missed the two last DFFB Sessions “A Complete Guide to the Web Series Phenomenon with Meredith Burkholder” and “Creating Skylines with alumnus Dennis Schanz” you can listen to the talks thanks to IndieFilmTalk !
In the public lecture, A Complete Guide to the Web Series Phenomenon, web series expert and WebFest Berlin presented highlights from her book Short, Narrative & Serialized, co-authored by Joël Bassaget. Based largely on a database of 6000 web series produced between 1995 and 2017, the lecture analyzed genre, production volumes, global specificities, platforms, and budgets.
On September 27 Dennis Schanz’ (SE 2015/16) series, Skylines, launched on Netflix in all markets. Skylines is the very first series that has made it from a Serial Eyes seminar room all the way to broadcast. Serial Eyes and the DFFB invited Dennis to discuss how the series came to life. Dennis talked about the series’ early beginnings as part of his SE application all the way to the hit ensemble drama it is now. He also delved into working SE alumni in a writers’ room and being a young showrunner in Germany.