
Kirsten Itter­sha­gen

Writer (Germany)

Kirsten Itter­sha­gen is a dynam­ic Ger­man TV writer and pro­du­cer cel­eb­rated for her pas­sion and pre­ci­sion in craft­ing com­pel­ling stor­ies for Ger­man and inter­na­tion­al audi­ences. Based in Ber­lin, Kirsten holds a master’s degree in Soci­ology and Psychology.

With an impress­ive track record as Head Writer and Writer Pro­du­cer, Kirsten has spear­headed Germany’s most pop­u­lar long-run­ning TV series. Her expert­ise extends inter­na­tion­ally, lead­ing Eng­lish-speak­ing writers’ rooms in Lon­don, Croa­tia, Hun­gary, and Dubai. She col­lab­or­ates with major industry play­ers such as Fre­mantle, UFA, ndF, Con­stantin, and Made­For Film.

Kirsten’s cre­at­ive achieve­ments include the ori­gin­al TV series ALIBI AGENCY, which premiered on ZDFneo in August 2014, and the inter­na­tion­al series NINA & TOM, an adapt­a­tion of Tom Kummer’s acclaimed nov­el. This ambi­tious pro­ject, co-cre­ated with Hol­ger Reibi­ger (WHEEL OF TIME, DAS BOOT), is primed for the glob­al mar­ket with a com­plete series bible and pilot script. Her pas­sion for ground­break­ing storytelling shines in LOVE HAS WON, a high-end near-future drama with sci-fi ele­ments, optioned by C21 Stu­dio in Lon­don from 2020 to 2022.

Most recently, in 2023, she served as Writer Pro­du­cer and Head Writer for EIGHT MIL­LIONS, a 23-part series developed with Made­For Film for ZDF’s stream­ing ser­vice, cur­rently await­ing pro­duc­tion approval.

Kirsten’s tal­ents also extend to fea­ture films. In 2017, her screen­play MY DAD, ELVIS received fund­ing from Hessen­Film and was short­l­is­ted for the Ger­man Film Award for Best Screen­play – Unpro­duced in 2019.

As a ment­or and advoc­ate for emer­ging tal­ent, Kirsten has been a fac­ulty mem­ber of the pres­ti­gi­ous Seri­al Eyes Pro­gram in Ber­lin since 2013. She recently joined TorinoFilmLab’s TFL Series Lab as a tutor in 2023, where she guides aspir­ing European writers and pro­du­cers through the devel­op­ment pro­cess of their TV Series projects.

With a keen eye for innov­a­tion and a com­mit­ment to excel­lence and pur­pose, Kirsten Itter­sha­gen con­tin­ues to redefine storytelling on both a nation­al and inter­na­tion­al stage. Freshly, in 2024 she cre­ated the Con­scious Storytelling Meth­od to empower and con­sult writers and pro­du­cers to change the glob­al nar­rat­ive to more col­lab­or­a­tion, love, com­pas­sion and joy.