
Final Pitch Sea­son 11

After an enrich­ing jour­ney span­ning eight months of cre­ativ­ity and storytelling with­in the Seri­al Eyes Writer’s Room, our par­ti­cipants have suc­cess­fully con­cluded their Final Pitch on May 8, 2024!

Through­out this peri­od, a tapestry of unique and cap­tiv­at­ing series has unfol­ded, leav­ing us delighted to show­case them to our part­ners, ment­ors, and guests who stood by us with unwaver­ing sup­port through the devel­op­ment­al phase.

The Final Pitch kicked off with Helmi Tolonen present­ing MUSIC, DRUGS & JESUS CHRIST where a music enthu­si­ast, Lumi, organ­izes a fest­iv­al while man­aging her newly sober fath­er, deal­ing with her over­bear­ing music man­ager moth­er, and com­pet­ing with her rebel­li­ous broth­er, all amidst fam­ily ten­sions and shared trauma.

Kate Chris­man fol­lowed with Thrill­er Drama, FOR­EIGN COR­RES­POND­ENT where Jill Sann returns to Ber­lin six months after los­ing her job and her hus­band,  to invest­ig­ate his dis­ap­pear­ance, only to dis­cov­er he has been turned into a spy by the Chinese gov­ern­ment, for­cing her to choose between pro­tect­ing him and
risk­ing her own safety while uncov­er­ing a lar­ger conspiracy.

Fol­lowed by Cas­si­ano Pra­do with his Psy­cho­lo­gic­al Crime Drama CLOS­URE. When indi­vidu­als con­nec­ted by a ser­i­ous crime meet, Ana Deimir and her Res­tor­at­ive Justice team help them seek atone­ment,
des­pite fund­ing threats and doubts about forgiveness.

UNDER THE WHITE TREE by Mari­ana Jukica accom­pan­ies Raya and Caro. Since los­ing their daugh­ter they are dis­con­nec­ted – Raya blames her­self while Caro joins a deadly cult believ­ing it will resur­rect their daughter.

Tuuli Karnevankal­lio presen­ted FUCK MARRY KILL a dark drama com­edy set in the world of real­ity TV. A dat­ing show on a para­dise island spir­als out of con­trol, leav­ing con­test­ants to sur­vive and explore the true
mean­ing of love, while ques­tion­ing the pro­duc­tion’s manip­u­la­tion and morality.

The first pitch­ing ses­sion was closed by Hanna Szent­pé­teri with WORM FOOD. After Kat’s twin broth­er Jeremy mys­ter­i­ously dies and returns as a clair­voy­ant ghost, they team up to pre­vent future murders and uncov­er the mys­tery of Jeremy’s death.

Nic­olas Che­vail­li­er brought us back after the break with DIE REG­LER­IN. Set in 1989 East Ber­lin, Detect­ive Johanna Pirsch must quietly hunt a nec­ro­phil­ic seri­al killer amidst the chaos of the Ber­lin Wall’s fall and the bru­tal West­ern takeover of the police force.

Con­stan­ze Behrends gives us an insight into LUST FOR LIFE.  When Aurora, a former heli­copter mom turned boho out­law, returns home after being declared dead due to a med­ic­al mix-up, she must recon­nect with her fam­ily while nav­ig­at­ing her trans­formed life.

Paula Redlef­sen fol­lowed with her mys­tic­al com­edy FAIRY where a ration­al archi­tect embraces her play­ful and intu­it­ive side with the help of a whim­sic­al Fairy, while also facing the chal­lenge of keep­ing the last portal between Fairy­land and the human world open.

SOR­INA by Ioana Chep­tea dives into the world of a young woman determ­ined to pur­sue her dreams of becom­ing an act­ress in Ber­lin she leaves her small Romani­an town and quirky fam­ily behind, only to find her­self entangled in famili­al drama when they fol­low her.

Mat­thi­as Börners Drama WHEN THE FLOWES DIE is set in a near-future Ger­many, amidst a fas­cist crack­down, ordin­ary indi­vidu­als must con­front their true selves and take a stand as their loved ones and beliefs are threatened.

This years final pitch was closed by Drishya Gau­thams INDI/PENDET where a jaded rap­per facing a mid­life crisis joins forces with her ambi­tious Gen Z immig­rant cous­in, nav­ig­at­ing clashes with exploit­at­ive music
execs, inter­net trolls, and fam­ily expect­a­tions while explor­ing the bal­ance between fit­ting into a com­munity and stay­ing true to oneself.

With the cur­tain draw­ing to a close on the 11th round of Seri­al Eyes, it marks not an end, but rather the com­mence­ment of an excit­ing new chapter for our excep­tion­ally tal­en­ted writers! As they embark on this new phase, we extend our heart­felt wishes for bound­less suc­cess and ful­fill­ment in all their future endeavors!

We look for­ward to shar­ing their future suc­cesses with you. If you like to have even more impres­sions of this years Final Pitch fol­low us on social media or con­tact us for the Pitch booklet. 

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