
It’s a Wrap! Final Pitch 2019

On May 10, the sixth edi­tion of Seri­al Eyes fin­ished with anoth­er suc­cess­ful Final Pitch. The event took place at Soho House Ber­lin with a full house of inter­na­tion­al pro­du­cers, com­mis­sion­ers and agents. After a warm wel­come from DFFB dir­ect­or Ben Gibon, Ms. Aman­dine Maudet of Vivendi Con­tent held the open­ing key­note address and wished “Sea­son 6” a suc­cess­ful pitch.

The pitches kicked off with Anthony Khaseria’s buddy-cop show Pre-Tect­ives about a rook­ie cop work­ing with his future self. Rosy Deacon’s super­nat­ur­al drama Win­ter­bourne trans­por­ted the audi­ence to rur­al York­shire with its dark forces and heal­ing waters. Andrea Frisch­holz presen­ted her sit­com Saviours about the adven­tures of a rag tag team of human­it­ari­an aid work­ers. Luisa Hardenberg’s fam­ily drama Related about three adult step-sib­lings cop­ing with a fam­ily trauma closed out the first block.

Cyril Dey­di­er star­ted off the second set with his crime drama The Out­laws about a school teach­er facing off with the mafia on the Côte d’Azur. Ele­onora Ven­inova fol­lowed with her com­edy The Kepleans about two extra-ter­restri­als stuck in 1970s’ West Ber­lin. The past was also the back­drop of Valentina Shevyakhova‘s time-travel romantic drama, Best of Times, where­as Yashar Alishen­as’ near-future com­edy The Min­istry of Love saw a romantic nov­el­ist hired by a gov­ern­ment agency to rekindle love in post-Tinder Sweden.

Felice Götze‘s fam­ily crime drama The Wrong People took the audi­ence to the sunny but treach­er­ous beaches of Majorca. Giulio Rizzo brought out the sin­is­ter par­al­lels between cult lead­ers and busi­ness man­agers with his darkly comed­ic thrill­er Look Up To Me. Susan­nah Ward‘s fam­ily drama The Risk was set at the Lon­don Stock Exchange in 1973, the same year Bri­tain joined the EEC. Last but not least, Phil­ipp Scherzer presen­ted his peri­od cop drama The Reck­on­ing, set in Nurem­berg, Ger­many, dur­ing the optim­ist­ic and boom­ing 1950s.

All in all, it was a great day of pitches! We would like to thank our guests for their attend­ance, and best of luck to the class of 2018–19 with their pro­jects. If you’re inter­ested in the pro­jects and would like to con­tact the writers dir­ectly, please check out our Final Pitch book­let.