
Han­no Hackfort

Writer, Producer (Germany)

Han­no Hack­fort was born in Pader­born in 1970. After jobs as Assist­ent Dir­ect­or and musi­cian on sev­er­al theatre pro­duc­tions, he star­ted work­ing as Boomop­er­at­or and Sound Engin­eer on vari­ous TV and fea­ture films in Ger­many and abroad. At the same time, he star­ted dir­ect­ing his own short films and in 2002 he  shot his fea­ture debut Jun­i­mond.  Between 2004 and 2012 he worked as a writer on numer­ous TV shows. 2012 he teamed up with Bob Kon­rad and Richard Kropf. Togeth­er they cre­ated and wrote SOKO Pots­dam (ZDF), Koslowski & Haferkamp (ARD), 4Blocks (TNT),  You Are Wanted (Amazon Prime Video), the WR Pro­duc­tion Labaule & Erben, PARA ‑Wir sind King (TNT) and KLEO (Net­flix).

Han­no Hack­fort lives and works in Berlin.