
Seri­al Eyes is on the Case

We are happy to announce that Seri­al Eyes is part of the “Detect­ing European Iden­tity in Crime Fic­tion” (DETECt) Pro­ject, a pan-European research pro­ject that stud­ies how crime fic­tions shape a transna­tion­al iden­tity of Europe. This pro­ject involves uni­ver­sit­ies, non-aca­dem­ic research insti­tu­tions and industry part­ners from all over Europe, includ­ing Uni­ver­sity of Bologna, Cath­ol­ic Uni­ver­sity Leuven, Par­is-Ouest Nan­terre Uni­ver­sity, Freie Uni­versität Ber­lin as well as TV 2 and Miso Film in Den­mark. DFFB Seri­al Eyes is rep­res­en­ted as the only film school in the consortium.
Research­ers will invest­ig­ate cur­rent rep­res­ent­a­tions of European iden­tit­ies in crime fic­tion (TV series, nov­els and films). Seri­al Eyes will use the res­ults of the research to design new teach­ing mater­i­als for train­ing TV writers in writ­ing crime fic­tion that break with old ste­reo­types and shape European iden­tit­ies through new, innov­at­ive forms of narration.
This pro­ject is the first human­it­ies-based research pro­ject fun­ded by the European Commission’s Hori­zon 2020. The pro­ject spans from 2018 to 2021 with train­ing activ­it­ies to occur through­out the dur­a­tion of the project.