
Spe­cial Guest Speak­er Peter Morgan

In Janu­ary we had the hon­or of wel­com­ing a very spe­cial guest in our sem­in­ar room – The Crown cre­at­or Peter Mor­gan. Before head­ing over to the Fil­makademie for a talk with Ger­man dir­ect­or Chris­ti­an Schwochow (who has dir­ec­ted two epis­odes of The Crown S3), Mr. Mor­gan stopped over at Seri­al Eyes to share some insights on the show and his work. Par­ti­cipants and The Crown afi­cion­ados Barry Thompson and Giord­ana Mari inter­viewed Mr. Mor­gan about strik­ing the right bal­ance between being truth­ful and being accur­ate when writ­ing about real-life people like the Roy­al Fam­ily. He also shared his exper­i­ence and wis­dom about the pro­duc­tion pro­cess – from showrun­ning and col­lab­or­at­ing with dir­ect­ors on the set to the import­ance of rewrites in the writ­ing pro­cess. We can’t wait to binge-watch The Crown S4, which will be released – rumor has it – at the end of 2020.