
Seri­al Poland – Crime and Polit­ics in New Pol­ish Series, 8–9 March

Seri­al Eyes, the Filmnet­zwerk Ber­lin, DFFB and the Pol­ish Cul­tur­al Insti­tute Ber­lin (Film­POL­SKA) are delighted to invite you to a two-day focus on new TV-series from Poland.

Fans of seri­al­ized storytelling have star­ted look­ing all over Europe for new stor­ies to binge-watch. And they have been rewar­ded hand­somely. Recently, Poland has pro­duced some of the most inter­est­ing series, many of which have been expor­ted and broad­cast out­side the coun­try. High pro­duc­tion value and a dis­tin­guished look are matched with stor­ies that fol­low as well as defy the uni­ver­sal con­ven­tions of crime. At the same time, these stor­ies are genu­inely loc­al, rooted in impress­ive rur­al land­scapes (Raven. So Dark in Here) or in the recent past (Rojst), and com­ment in their own dis­tinct­ive ways on the con­tem­por­ary socio-polit­ic­al situ­ation (Blinded by the Lights, The Artists). Seri­al Poland presents a selec­tion of new high-end series, which have not yet found their way to the Ger­man pub­lic. We will dis­cuss with the series’ makers what themes inspire them, what social rel­ev­ance series have in times of their grow­ing cir­cu­la­tion, and how the Pol­ish pub­lic has respon­ded to these shows.


08.03.2019, Open­ing Reception

Ślepnąc od świ­ateł | Blinded by the Lights Poland 2018, 8x60’ 

7 pm, Arsen­al Cinema 

Cre­ated and writ­ten by Krzysztof Skonieczny, Jak­ub Żul­czyk, based on a nov­el by Jak­ub Żul­czyk / Dir­ec­ted by Krzysztof Skonieczny / Pro­duced by Iza­bela Łopuch, HBO Europe, House Media Com­pany /With Kamil Nożyński, Robert Więck­iewicz, Marta Malikowska, Jan Frycz and more

The story charts sev­en days in the life of Kuba, a Warsaw drug deal­er. His per­fectly organ­ised life of sup­ply­ing cor­rupt cops, politi­cians and party­ing VIPs with cocaine starts to des­cend into chaos as he is forced to make the most import­ant choice in his life. The series is based on the nov­el by Jak­ub Żul­czyk, which was nom­in­ated for the Pasz­port “Polityki” award, and shot in a music-video style by Krzysztof Skonieczny. 

Epis­odes 1 + 2, Eng­lish sub­titles, fol­lowed by a talk with Iza­bela Łopuch and Krzysztof Skonieczny

09.03.2019, Screen­ings & Talks at DFFB Cinema

Artyści | The Artists Poland 2016, 8x48’

12 noon, DFFB Cinema

Cre­ated and writ­ten by Paweł Demirski / Dir­ec­ted by Monika Strzęp­ka / Pro­duced by Telew­izja Pol­ska, NInA co-pro­duc­tion / With Mar­cin Czarnik, Adam Cywka, Ewa Dałkowska and more

The Artists tells the story of a young and ideal­ist­ic theatre dir­ect­or from the provinces, who, in his new pos­i­tion as dir­ect­or of the Nation­al Theatre in Warsaw, has to cope with many crit­ic­al voices in order to real­ize his ambi­tious plans for the theatre. Delving into the intrigues of cul­tur­al polit­ics in a tra­gi­com­ic­al tone, this series is an allegory of the con­tem­por­ary Pol­ish soci­ety and one of the most con­tro­ver­sial and suc­cess­ful series of the last few years.

Epis­odes 1 + 2, Eng­lish sub­titles, fol­lowed by a Q&A with Jerzy Kapuściński

Kruk. Szepty słychać po zmroku | Raven. So Dark in Here Poland 2018, 6x45’

2:30 pm, DFFB Cinema

Writ­ten by Jak­ub Korol­czuk / Dir­ec­ted by Maciej Pieprzyca / Pro­duced by: Łukasz Dzię­cioł, OPUS TV, ITI NEO­VI­SION S.A., Canal+ Poland / With Michał Żur­awski, Cez­ary Łukaszewicz, Katar­zyna Wajda and more

Adam Kruk, a 40-year-old police officer addicted to paink­illers and psy­cho­trop­ic drugs, returns to the town where he grew up in order to chase down the pae­do­phile who abused his friend Slawek years ago. Once there, he is unex­pec­tedly called in to invest­ig­ate a new case: the kid­nap­ping of a power­ful man’s grand­son. Kruk delves into the case in the hopes of set­ting him­self free from his past mistakes.

Epis­odes 1 +2, Eng­lish sub­titles, fol­lowed by a Q&A with Jak­ub Korol­czuk, Maciej Pieprzyca, Łukasz Dzięcioł

Rojst |Rojst Poland 2018, 5x50’

5 pm, DFFB Cinema

Writ­ten by Jan Hol­oubek, Kasper Bajon, Anna Kazejak, Michał Mar­czak / Dir­ec­ted by Jan Hol­oubek, Michal Mar­czak /Pro­duced by Jurek Dzię­gielewski, Show­max Pol­ska, Stu­dio Filmowe Kadr/​ With Andrzej Sew­eryn, Daw­id Ogrod­nik, Zofia Wichłacz and more

South-West Poland, 1980s. A small, for­got­ten town is shocked by a bru­tal double murder: a young pros­ti­tute and a loc­al com­mun­ist act­iv­ist. At the same time, teen­agers also com­mit sui­cide. Wit­old Wanycz, an exper­i­enced but slightly embittered journ­al­ist, wants to write about the murder in the loc­al news­pa­per. When the young edit­or and son of a high-rank­ing party act­iv­ist, Pio­tr Zar­zycki, is employed in the same edit­or­i­al office, the two are assigned togeth­er in this invest­ig­a­tion. How­ever, the fur­ther they advance, the more they get stuck in the Rojst – a swamp that hides a long for­got­ten, unex­plained mys­tery and a loc­al con­spir­acy.  A con­vin­cing re-enact­ment of the com­mun­ist world of the 80s, with a great cast and a polit­ic­ally anchored plot. 

Epis­odes 1 + 2, Eng­lish sub­titles, fol­lowed by a Q&A with Jurek Dziegielewski, Jan Holoubek 

Pan­el dis­cus­sion |Crime & Polit­ics in New Pol­ish Serieswith the invited guests

7:30 pm, DFFB Cafè

Seri­al Poland is an event organ­ised by Pol­nisches Insti­tut Ber­lin (film­POL­SKA), Seri­al Eyes and Filmnet­zwerk Ber­lin of the Ger­man Film- and Tele­vi­sion Academy Ber­lin (DFFB)

The entire event is free of charge and held in Eng­lish. Screen­ings in ori­gin­al lan­guage with Eng­lish subtitles.