
Seri­al Eyes gradu­ate Den­nis Schanz real­ises his tele­vi­sion series idea SKY­LINES through Netflix

We are pleased to announce that Seri­al Eyes gradu­ate Den­nis Schanz has taken on the roles of head writer and pro­du­cer to real­ise his series idea SKY­LINES with Net­flix. SKY­LINES is the first pro­ject developed with­in Seri­al Eyes that will be screened on the largest inter­net enter­tain­ment service.

The series is about a tal­en­ted hip-hop pro­du­cer who lives in Frank­furt am Main and receives the offer of a life­time. It will run exclus­ively and world­wide on Net­flix from 27 Septem­ber 2019. In addi­tion to the renowned main act­ors, the series will fea­ture many tal­en­ted artists from the Frankfurt/​Offenbach area, includ­ing Azad, Nura, and many oth­ers. “The rap­pers, pro­du­cers, and DJs […] have giv­en the pro­ject the neces­sary level of qual­ity and authen­ti­city,” says Den­nis Schanz about the actors.

Den­nis Schanz (Seri­al Eyes 2015/16) developed the idea for the series with­in the pro­gramme Seri­al Eyes. He was sup­por­ted by vari­ous lec­tur­ers (includ­ing US showrun­ner Frank Spot­nitz and dram­at­urge Nic­ola Lusuardi) and by his ment­or and pro­du­cer Klaus Zim­mer­mann, and then fol­lowed up on the pro­ject. With Net­flix, Schanz – tak­ing on the pos­i­tions of head writer, pro­du­cer, and showrun­ner – finally found a part­ner with whom to real­ise this unusu­al pro­ject, which is set between the hip-hop and crim­in­al worlds.

“Den­nis Schanz joined the Seri­al Eyes pro­gramme with a very ambi­tious idea for his pro­ject. He always listened attent­ively but did­n’t allow him­self to be swayed by oth­ers and he imple­men­ted his good idea con­sist­ently and rad­ic­ally. After four years of hard work, he now has the last word, and is the young­est, most suc­cess­ful writer-pro­du­cer in Ger­many. Well done!“ – Klaus Zim­mer­mann, Man­aging Part­ner Dynam­ic Television

Den­nis Schanz also enlis­ted three of his Seri­al Eyes col­leagues to be on the writers’ team: Oliv­er Karan (2015/16), Kim Zim­mer­mann (2015/16), and Arne Ahrens (2016/17) have con­trib­uted to scripts for the six-part SYK­LINES season.

“We’re happy that with SKY­LINES, Den­nis has suc­ceeded in becom­ing a series cre­at­or and pro­du­cer. And, of course, that he has moved his Seri­al Eyes col­leagues and the Writers’ Room sys­tem – on which our Seri­al Eyes teach­ing is decis­ively based – from the sem­in­ar room to his own pro­duc­tion.” – Ben­jamin Har­ris, Head of Seri­al Eyes.

The DFFB is also delighted by the par­ti­cip­a­tion of oth­er DFFB alumni in the pro­duc­tion: Luis Sing­er (pro­du­cer at StickUp Filmproduk­tion) and Jonas Dorn­bach and Dav­id Keitsch (pro­du­cers at Kom­plizen­film) are the lead pro­du­cers of the series, and DFFB alum­un­us Max Erlen­wein (STE­REO, SCHWERKRAFT) dir­ec­ted epis­odes 1–3.


Frank­furt, Main­hat­tan. Tal­en­ted hip-hop pro­du­cer Jinn is giv­en the chance of a life­time when legendary label Sky­line Records makes him an offer. But suc­cess has a price. While Jinn is forced to choose between his career, his friend­ships, and his fam­ily, Sky­line Records also faces tur­bu­lent times, which sees the worlds of music, fin­ance, and organ­ised crime col­lide head-on with one another.