
Big Light Pro­duc­tions Appren­tice­ship Recip­i­ent Announced

Big Light Pro­duc­tions, the inde­pend­ent pro­duc­tion com­pany behind high-end dra­mas The Man in the High Castle and the forth­com­ing Leonardo and led by showrun­ner Frank Spot­nitz, has announced the recip­i­ent of their annu­al writers’ apprenticeship. 

Seri­al Eyes alumna Nadya Todorova from Bul­garia will join Big Light Pro­duc­tions for a paid two-month place­ment in the com­pany, along­side CEO Frank Spot­nitz (The X‑Files, Ransom, The Man In The High Castle, Medici), Cre­at­ive Dir­ect­or Emily Feller (Medici, Trust Me, Ordin­ary Lies) and the rest of the Big Light team. This year, due to social dis­tan­cing and restric­ted travel, the appren­tice­ship will take place virtually. 

Big Light’s writers’ appren­tice­ship pro­gramme is now in its 4th year, and invites a gradu­ate from the Seri­al Eyes pro­gramme to join their team for the place­ment, where they become part of the writers’ rooms for pro­jects that are in devel­op­ment.  The appren­tice­ship is designed to provide hands-on prac­tic­al exper­i­ence of a writers’ room and writ­ing for loc­al and inter­na­tion­al pro­jects. Appren­tices of the past edi­tions were: Ruddy-Wil­li­ams Kabuiku (France), Bar­bara Kron­en­berg (Ger­many) and Ele­onora Ven­inova (Mace­do­nia).

Todorova com­men­ted: “I’m very excited to begin my adven­ture at Big Light. Frank was such an import­ant teach­er for me and I’m look­ing for­ward to con­tinu­ing to learn everything I can from him and the people he works with. This is such a won­der­ful oppor­tun­ity for me to fur­ther devel­op what I learned at Seri­al Eyes and I am incred­ibly grate­ful for the experience.”

Frank Spot­nitz, Seri­al Eyes’ tutor since the pro­gram­me’s incep­tion com­men­ted: “Writers are the heart­beat of Big Light, and we’re are deeply com­mit­ted to provid­ing reward­ing oppor­tun­it­ies for new and emer­ging writers to help and sup­port them to devel­op their exper­i­ence and sharpen their already impress­ive skills. Nadya is a very excit­ing writer with a raw tal­ent and sharp wit, and we’re really delighted to work with her for the next few months.”

Ben Har­ris, Seri­al Eyes Head of Pro­gramme, added: “Nadya is one of those rare, raw tal­ents who can bring her own cre­at­ive voice even to the most unlikely top­ics and turn them into com­edy gold. I’m delighted that Frank and his team have selec­ted her for this amaz­ing oppor­tun­ity to help her fur­ther hone her craft and pre­pare her for what prom­ises to be a stel­lar career.”