Sab­rina Amerell

Germany | Spain

I’m pas­sion­ate about weav­ing stor­ies that res­on­ate across borders.

Work exper­i­ence:

Screen­writer, epis­ode writer, storyliner:

More than 14 of exper­i­ence in cre­at­ing tele­vi­sion drama in diverse genres and work­ing in Writers’ Rooms with multi-lin­gual teams.

With a degree in for­eign lan­guage trans­la­tion & inter­pret­ing (Eng­lish & Span­ish) I have vast exper­i­ence in script trans­la­tion and concept translation.

In my work as a lan­guage expert for the tech industry, I’m spe­cial­ized in integ­rat­ing AI tools to the work­flow, data ana­lys­is and AI editing.

Exper­i­enced in digit­al mar­ket­ing, design­ing Ad cam­paigns, copy­writ­ing & social media mar­ket­ing as a con­tent cre­at­or for online platforms.