
Piod­or Gustafsson

Producer TV4 (Sweden)

Piod­or Gust­afs­son has more than thirty years of exper­i­ence with­in film, TV and advert­ising. Since Septem­ber 2020 Piod­or is respons­ible for Scrip­ted Con­tent in the Nor­d­ic ter­rit­ory at TV4 Media. Piod­or has pre­vi­ously worked as CEO for Black Spark Film & TV, Head of Pro­gram­ming and Com­mis­sion­ing Edit­or at SVT and as a com­mis­sion­ing Fea­ture Film Con­sult­ant at the Swedish Film Insti­tute. He has recently pro­duced TIGERS (by Ron­nie Sandahl), BOR­DER (by Ali Abbasi), THE WIFE (by Björn Runge), STHLM Requiem (by Karin Fahlén), MOSCOW NOIR (by Mikael Håf­ström) and EVERYTHING I DON’T REMEM­BER (by Beata Gårdeler).