
Gabor Kri­gler

Writer, Showrunner (Hungary)

Gabor’s career began in the writ­ing staff of a daily seri­al at Grundy UFA in 1999. He became Cre­at­ive Exec­ut­ive at the Bud­apest office of HBO Europe in 2010, respons­ible for all cre­at­ive aspects of devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion. After leav­ing HBO at the end of 2018, Gabor went on to found his own com­pany, Joyrider, to cre­ate and devel­op high-end scrip­ted con­tent for the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket. Their first pro­duced title is a com­ic thrill­er series, FRUST, a co-pro­duc­tion with Bel­grade-based Fire­fly Pro­duc­tions, dir­ec­ted by Oscar-win­ner Danis Tan­ović, premier­ing later this year. Besides man­aging the Joyrider slate, since Janu­ary 2023 Gabor has been work­ing as Devel­op­ment Pro­du­cer at Lon­don-based glob­al con­tent cre­at­or firm Envi­sion Enter­tain­ment. He is also Head of Stud­ies at Mid­point Series Launch and a guest tutor at vari­ous inter­na­tion­al drama series work­shops, while at the same time doing pro­ject con­sult­ing and story edit­ing all over the world.