
Roberto Amor­oso

Creative Director (Italy)

Under his cre­at­ive super­vi­sion, Sky has pro­duced sev­er­al tv-movies and tv-series, includ­ing “Romanzo Crim­inale”, a 22-part series that has been sold in over 60 coun­tries. He was at Sky since its launch in 2003, and has defined the iden­tity and the brand of the Cinema Chan­nels. Before that he has worked for Sund­ance Chan­nel in the US and for Uni­ver­sal Net­works in Rome.

His tele­vi­sion work has been awar­ded many times. Among his achieve­ments: Oscar Nom­in­ee in 2008 for Best Short Film (pro­duc­tion), 6 Gold Pro­max, 6 Gold Pro­max Awards, 10 Sil­ver Pro­max Awards, 2 Sil­ver Telly Awards, 7 Bronze Telly Awards.