
Anna Symon

Writer (UK)

Anna Symon gradu­ated from the pres­ti­gi­ous 4Screenwriting pro­gramme in 2013. Since then, her work has been nom­in­ated for BAF­TA, BIFA and Writer’s Guild awards. As a creator/​lead writer,  her work includes JOAN (ITVX/CW) star­ring Soph­ie Turn­er,  THE ESSEX SER­PRENT (Apple TV+) star­ring Claire Danes and Tom Hid­dle­ston, DEEP WATER (ITVX) star­ring Anna Fri­el, and MRS WILSON (BBC One) star­ring Ruth Wilson. Pri­or to her writ­ing career, she worked as a producer/​director in cur­rent affairs and documentaries.Anna has shows in devel­op­ment with a range of pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies and plat­forms, and is rep­res­en­ted in the US by UTA.