
Kelly Souders

Showrunner/Executive Producer (UK)

Kelly Souders sold her first pilot with her writing/​producer part­ner to CBS, in col­lab­or­a­tion with Warner Bros. She soon came aboard the studio’s break­out teen hit SMALLVILLE. After ten years of writ­ing, pro­du­cing and devel­op­ing for the stu­dio, Kelly ulti­mately steered the young Super­man series through its final three sea­sons as showrun­ner with her part­ner. The duo sub­sequently went on to help launch the first sea­son of The CW’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST as Exec­ut­ive Pro­du­cers with CBS Pro­duc­tions. Con­tinu­ing their rela­tion­ship with CBS, Souders and Peterson con­sul­ted on the Steph­en King/​Steven Spiel­berg pro­duced TV event UNDER THE DOME.  Eager to ven­ture into the cable world of peri­od dra­mas, Souders and Peterson joined the Fox 21 show SALEM as Exec­ut­ive Pro­du­cers, and after two sea­sons, con­sul­ted on the Emmy-nom­in­ated GENI­US antho­logy for the Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Chan­nel. After the very long strike she is now fin­ish­ing up a pilot script for ABC. She gradu­ated from the MFA pro­gram in writ­ing from the USC School of Cine­mat­ic Arts.