
Alex Tibu


With a BA in screen­writ­ing and a MA in doc­u­ment­ary dir­ect­ing, Alex is a screen­writer, dir­ect­or and edit­or that can take you on a wild ride from belly laughs to blood-curd­ling screams. Alex won sev­er­al screen­writ­ing awards and par­ti­cip­ated in mul­tiple devel­op­ment work­shops with his thrill­er and hor­ror pro­jects. After win­ning in 2023 a screen­writ­ing con­test, he has now his first thrill­er series green­lit with @ ProTV, the biggest Romani­an Broad­caster. Besides this, he is doing a visu­al arts pro­ject called “Geo­graph­ies of Depar­ture” which is an ini­ti­at­ive that explores vari­ous forms of pho­to­graph­ic expres­sion in address­ing the rep­res­ent­a­tion and ana­lys­is of the socio-eco­nom­ic real­it­ies of labor migra­tion from Romania.