
Anthony Khaser­ia

United Kingdom

Anthony is UK born but of Indo-Irish her­it­age, some­thing that is per­haps reflec­ted in his eclect­ic taste in stor­ies and for mix­ing genres and ideas with­in his work. He is drawn to nar­rat­ives that con­tain play­ful ele­ments, unex­pec­ted, some­times sub­vers­ive twists and par­tic­u­larly enjoys high-concept Com­edy-Drama, the Absurd, Magic Real­ism and Sci-Fi. He has won sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al writ­ing com­pet­i­tions and has had work presen­ted at Tribe­ca Film Fest­iv­al and BAF­TA. Recently he has been work­ing on a nar­rat­ive video game and has a Sit-Com and a fea­ture film in devel­op­ment with pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies in Lon­don. Anthony has a BA Hons in Eng­lish Lit­er­at­ure, an MA in Screen­writ­ing and is rep­res­en­ted by The Agency, UK.