Cas­si­ano Prado

Brazil / UK

Cas­si­ano Pra­do is a Brazili­an-Brit­ish film and TV dir­ect­or and screen­writer born in São Paulo. He is known for his work on Net­flix’s magic­al real­ism series INVIS­IBLE CITY and for CON­TOS DO EDGAR, a mys­tery series for Fox Brazil. Cas­si­ano entered the film industry after shoot­ing numer­ous advert­ising cam­paigns with foot­ball stars world­wide. His ven­ture into fic­tion star­ted with the web series COMA, a branded con­tent com­mis­sioned by Getty Images, which won over 15 inter­na­tion­al awards for both dir­ec­tion and screen­play. Cas­si­ano fur­ther explores genre cinema with his sus­pense short film IDA, which was short­l­is­ted at the Aber­toir Hor­ror Fest (BFI), Atlanta Hor­ror Film Fest­iv­al, and Scream­fest L.A. Based between Ber­lin, São Paulo, and Lon­don, Cas­si­ano is cur­rently devel­op­ing his first ori­gin­al TV series with Prime Video Brazil.