
Con­stan­ze Behrends


Con­stan­ze is a Ger­man act­ress, screen­writer, play­wright and dir­ect­or. In 2003, she foun­ded the prime time theat­er in Ber­lin, where she inven­ted the first sit­com on stage GUTES WED­DING, SCHLECHT­ES WED­DING. She has writ­ten, starred in and dir­ec­ted over 100 epis­odes in 12 years before turn­ing the live show into a TV Sit­com for rbb tele­vi­sion which was also shown on Net­flix. For her first music­al KLASSEN­KAMPF she won the Ger­man Music­al Award in the cat­egory „Best Book“. For her work as a play­wright she also received the Nyssen & Banse­mer Dram­at­ists-Award, the BZ Cul­ture Award and the Medal of Mer­it from the City of Ber­lin. Con­stan­ze was a lec­turer in the fac­ulty Musical/​Show at the UDK Ber­lin. Her book HIN­FAL­LEN IST KEINE SCHANDE, NUR LIE­GEN­BLEIBEN was on the „Spiegel“ list of best­selling books. Constanze’s focus is now on writ­ing screen­plays. She is cur­rently work­ing on a fea­ture film for Degeto and has sev­er­al con­cepts for series in development.