Dav­ide Serino


Screen­writer based in Rome, Dav­ide Serino began his pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence with the Sky ori­gin­al peri­od drama 1992. Among his latest pro­jects: Ester­no Notte, Marco Bellocchio’s first series presen­ted at the Cannes Film Fest­iv­al 2022; the fea­ture Ti man­gio il cuore, which premiered at the Venice Film Fest­iv­al; The Bad Guy, ori­gin­al Amazon show he co-cre­ated. Upcom­ing: the series M, from the Pre­mio Strega win­ning nov­el about Mus­solini by Ant­o­nio Scur­ati, cre­ated and writ­ten with Stefano Bises and dir­ec­ted by Joe Wright; the latest movie by Gab­ri­ele Mainetti; Carême, a political/​culinary series for Apple+, dir­ec­ted by Mar­tin Bourboulon.


Ester­no Notte, Writer, Kavac/​The Apart­ment, RaiUno and Net­flix, Italy

The Bad Guy, co-cre­at­or, Indigo, Amazon Prime Video, Italy

Il Re, Writer, The Apart­ment, Sky, Italy