Hanna Szent­pé­teri


Hanna Szent­pé­teri is a screen­writer and film dir­ect­or from Ljubljana. She has a BA in Film Stud­ies from King­ston Uni­ver­sity (Lon­don) and an MA in Film Dir­ect­ing from the Academy for Theat­er, Radio, Film, and Tele­vi­sion (Ljubljana). She is a Mid­point TV Series Launch and Sara­jevo Tal­ents alumna. Hanna is cur­rently writ­ing her first TV Series, SPLASH­ING AROUND, while work­ing on her first fic­tion fea­ture film, THURSDAY IS THE NEW FRI­DAY, and her first doc­u­ment­ary fea­ture, SOMEDAY I WANTED TO BE YOU OR SOME­THING CLOSE TO IT.