Heidi Balet­ic

United Kingdom

Heidi is a scriptwriter and a nov­el­ist based in the UK. She gradu­ated in Dram­at­urgy at Fac­ulty of Drama Arts in Bel­grade and com­pleted Text & Per­form­ance MA at King’s Col­lege & RADA, Lon­don. She was ment­ored by Nick Hornby on Guid­ing Lights film ment­or­ing pro­gramme. Heidi has writ­ten for theatre, film &TV. She took part in the BBC’s CAS­U­ALTY Writers’ Shad­ow Scheme and has lately co-oper­ated with Canal+ and Warp films on dia­logue adapt­a­tion for THE LAST PAN­THERS TV series.