Juan Manuel Ort­iz V.


Juan Manuel Ort­iz stud­ied Film and TV at the Uni­ver­sid­ad Nacion­al de Colom­bia and received a mas­ter degree from the Kun­sthoch­schule für Medi­en Köln. He has been awar­ded grants by Films­tif­tung NRW and Wim Wenders Found­a­tion and was selec­ted for the Séries Mania Writer’s Cam­pus 2018. He has developed and writ­ten con­tent for com­pan­ies like UFA, 2 Pilots, Nova­film and H&V Entertainment.

Recent Credits:

  • Bestialis, feature script, writer, Filmstiftung NRW, Germany
  • Disappeared – The M.P.U., Novafilm, ZDF, Germany


English, German, Spanish

