
Judit Anna Banhazi


A former storyliner on Hun­gary’s most watched TV series, by UFA Seri­al Drama, and stand-up comedi­an for Com­edy Cent­ral Hun­gary, Judit atten­ded Seri­al Eyes with a keen interest in both com­edy and harder-to-digest genre shows, thrillers, hor­ror, sci-fi, super­nat­ur­al and young adult fic­tion. Hav­ing developed an extens­ive slate of over 15 pro­jects dur­ing and after the pro­gram, Judit signed with Agen­tur Play­ers Ber­lin, and is now devel­op­ing and writ­ing on shows for both European and Inter­na­tion­al audi­ences and plat­forms, with com­pan­ies includ­ing Gaumont Ger­many, Con­stantin Film and Aud­ible Germany.