
Kate Chris­man


Kate Chris­man is an Amer­ic­an writer who moved to Ber­lin in 2019. Kate was a journ­al­ist in China before fol­low­ing her pas­sion for writ­ing TV. The first pilot she wrote, a half-hour dram­edy called OUT­SOURCED, won the Belem Enter­tain­ment TV Schol­ar­ship and placed highly in pres­ti­gi­ous U.S. screen­writ­ing com­pet­i­tions. Kate earned a spot in CineStory’s 2023 TV writer’s retreat, where she was ment­ored by work­ing writers in Hol­ly­wood. She’s writ­ten and dir­ec­ted one short film and has worked as a pro­fes­sion­al read­er for film fest­ivals in the US. Kate uses the skills she honed as a report­er: uncov­er­ing secrets, con­duct­ing research­ing, and craft­ing mov­ing stor­ies – to write com­pel­ling nar­rat­ives for the small screen.