
Lud­m­ila Naves


Born and raised in a work­ing-class neigh­bor­hood in São Paulo, Lud­m­ila Naves is the first in her fam­ily to gradu­ate from col­lege. She atten­ded the UCLA Writ­ing Pro­fes­sion­al Pro­gram, and after that, was selec­ted for Women in Film LA’s 2019 “Writers and Showrun­ners” ment­or­ing pro­gram. She has worked as a tele­vi­sion writer in Brazil writ­ing shows for net­work, cable and stream­ing ser­vices, such as: JUACAS (Dis­ney), BRAI­N­I­ACS (Gloob), the YA show WE ARE FIVE (Globoplay), the sci-fi drama OMNI­SCIENT (Net­flix) and the mys­tery thrill­er INVIS­IBLE CITY (Net­flix). She also wrote THE EVANDRO CASE – an Emmy nom­in­ated true crime for Best Doc­u­ment­ary Series in 2022. In the same year, Lud­m­ila received the Brazili­an Authors’ Asso­ci­ation Award for Writer of the Year. Recently, she wrote and dir­ec­ted two epis­odes of the show BALL AHEAD (TV Brasil). As a cre­at­or, Lud­m­il­a’s main interests lie in devel­op­ing multi dimen­sion­al, com­plex char­ac­ters and com­bin­ing drama with genres like crime, thrill­er and mystery.