
Mari­ana Jukica

Croatia | Canada

Mari­ana is a Croatian/​Canadian writer and dir­ect­or based in Ber­lin. She gradu­ated from the Sherid­an Col­lege Film and Tele­vi­sion pro­gram in Canada, and since she has writ­ten and dir­ec­ted music videos as well as short and long films. Her first fea­ture film, CHAS­ING PAPER BIRDS, on which she was also a pro­du­cer, is a per­son­al and intim­ate por­trait of the 30-somethings in Ber­lin. Recently she has writ­ten a drama/​dark com­edy fea­ture which is in devel­op­ment in Croa­tia. Mari­ana is also fas­cin­ated by genres such as hor­ror, sci-fi, fantasy and stor­ies set in dysto­pi­an worlds. Cur­rently she is devel­op­ing thrill­er and hor­ror series con­cepts with themes around escap­ism and motherhood.