
Panni Szurdi


Panni is an emer­ging screen­writer from Bud­apest. She star­ted off as a child act­or, mainly in theatre besides a few European movies, and shif­ted towards writ­ing early on as a slam poetry per­former. She began her screen­writ­ing stud­ies in Hun­gary but, with the polit­ic­al cli­mate chan­ging, even­tu­ally gradu­ated from the Film Academy Vienna. Her first fea­ture film as a writer, A HUNT FOR HEDGE­HOGS, was screened in San Sebasti­an in 2023. In the past years, she had writ­ten for sev­er­al loc­al tele­vi­sion series of RTL, across mul­tiple genres such as thrill­er, dram­edy, com­edy and tel­en­ov­ela. Her team won the first prize of the inter­na­tion­al Hype­Writer Pitch For­um for their ori­gin­al TV series concept in 2022. She is a Séries Mania Insti­tute alumna from the Eureka Series’ 2023 Fall edition.