
Paša Pet­ro­vić


Paša Pet­ro­vić is a Ser­bi­an screen­writer. After gradu­at­ing from the Fac­ulty of Dra­mat­ic Arts in Bel­grade, she relo­cated to Ber­lin to pur­sue her Mas­ter­’s Degree. Her work draws from a vari­ety of influ­ences ran­ging from pulpy detect­ive nov­els to low­brow art. Therein she uses a mix­ture of dark humor and super­nat­ur­al ele­ments to paint a grim, hope­less world, inhab­ited with col­or­ful char­ac­ters who are res­ol­ute to go against the hand they’ve been dealt. Her oth­er big pas­sion is music. When not writ­ing she can be found tour­ing Europe with extreme met­al bands or tend­ing to her numer­ous res­cue cats.