
Susan­nah Ward

United Kingdom

Susan­nah is an award-win­ning pro­du­cer-dir­ect­or and writer with more than 40 hours of broad­cast doc­u­ment­ary tele­vi­sion to her name. She spe­cial­ises in drama doc­u­ment­ar­ies and has cre­ated films for top stream­ing plat­forms, all the major UK broad­casters and lead­ing US net­works. Recently, she served as a dir­ect­or for four epis­odes of the Emmy-nom­in­ated Net­flix drama-doc series, Afric­an Queens: Njinga. Her doc­u­ment­ary back­ground informs her dra­mat­ic writ­ing allow­ing her to craft authen­t­ic stor­ies. Cur­rently, she is devel­op­ing sev­er­al drama pro­jects that blend his­tor­ic­al and con­tem­por­ary research with authen­t­ic storytelling to cre­ate enga­ging narratives.

Recent Credits:

2023 - Factual producer-director African Queens: Njinga (4 x 1hr for Netflix US)
