Thùy Trang Nguyễn


Thùy Trang Nguyễn is an award-win­ning writer and dir­ect­or based in Ber­lin, known for their innov­at­ive storytelling in film and tele­vi­sion. Recently, they con­trib­uted as a screen­writer for “WIR” (ZDFneo) and dir­ect­or for “ECHT FRIENDS” and “WAS DU NICHT SIEH­ST (wt)” (ZDF/​Kika). Cur­rently part of the pres­ti­gi­ous SERI­AL EYES post­gradu­ate pro­gram, Nguyễn is refin­ing their skills in seri­al­ized storytelling and bring­ing fresh per­spect­ives to European tele­vi­sion. Their work explores themes of queer­ness, migra­tion, and intergen­er­a­tion­al dynam­ics, elev­at­ing mar­gin­al­ized voices and chal­len­ging norms. Their gradu­ation film, “JACK­FRUIT”, earned recog­ni­tion at fest­ivals like Max Ophüls Pre­is and Iris Prize LGBT+, show­cas­ing their tal­ent for craft­ing cul­tur­ally res­on­ant stories.