Laurent Mer­ci­er


After gradu­at­ing from the European Con­ser­vat­ory of Script Writ­ing (Par­is) in 2010, Laurent worked as a writer on vari­ous French TV shows before attend­ing the first Seri­al Eyes pro­gramme in 2013–2014. Since then, he has worked for sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al cop­ro­duc­tions, such as EDEN (2019, Arte, ARD)  or the upcom­ing mini-series FLIGHT MH370 for Ban­i­jay and France 2. As for French pro­duc­tions, Laurent co-wrote Putains, a fea­ture film in pre-pro­duc­tion and wrote an epis­ode of Anne Landois’ upcom­ing crime series LA PROMESSE (TF1).

Recent Credits:

  • Flight MH370, co-creator, Alef One, Banijay,France 2 (in pre-production)
  • La Promesse, writer, Sortilèges Productions, TF1 (soon filming)
  • Eden, co-writer, Lupa Film, Atlantique Productions, ARTE/ARD


French, English (basics of German and Spanish)

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