Wikt­or Piatkowski


Wikt­or Piątkowski – writer, pro­du­cer, showrun­ner. He cre­ated and co-wrote HBO’s first ori­gin­al series pro­duced in Poland (Wataha), 4 Net­flix ori­gin­al fea­ture films (incl. Squared Love), first Pol­ish Viaplay series (Murderesses) and Canal+/Polsat co-pro (Sor­townia). A sit­com he co-cre­ated and co-wrote (Just Push Abuba) premiered in 2018 on ZDF. His producer’s filmo­graphy includes pro­du­cing fea­ture films (Święta inaczej) as well as short (Reset) and doc­u­ment­ary movies (Over the Moun­tains). Wikt­or gradu­ated from the Pol­ish Nation­al Film School in Łódź and is an alum­nus of Seri­al Eyes, European TV Drama Series Lab, European Showrun­ner Train­ing, Can­neser­ies Writers Club, Rac­conti, The Owl and Ber­linale Tal­ents. He is also a mem­ber of SEAN, the Pol­ish Film­makers Asso­ci­ation (SFP) and the Pol­ish Screen­writers’ Asso­ci­ation. Wikt­or Piątkowski runs screen­writ­ing work­shops in Poland and abroad, has a PhD in TV mar­ket­ing and man­ages Bahama Films, an inde­pend­ent pro­duc­tion com­pany based in Warsaw.

Recent Credits:

  • Selected TV series
  • The Pack (Wataha) | HBO | creator & co-writer
  • Sortownia | Canal+, Polsat | co-creator & head writer
  • Murderesses | Viaplay | creator & head writer
  • Vote of No Confidence | Polsat | head writer
  • Just Push Abuba | ZDF | co-creator & writer
  • Wartime Girls | period TV series | TVP | writer
  • Cops | Polsat | creator, showrunner & writer
  • Shadow Hunters | Nowa TV | creator, showrunner & writer
  • Feature films:
  • Squared Love | Netflix | writer
  • Squared Love All Over Again | Netflix | writer
  • Squared Love Everlasting | Netflix | writer
  • Heart Parade | Netflix | writer
  • Święta inaczej | Monolith | writer & producer


English, Polish