Sab­rina Amerell


Sab­rina has a back­ground in for­eign lan­guage trans­la­tion and inter­pret­ing (Eng­lish, Span­ish, Eco­nom­ics). Pri­or to Seri­al Eyes, she worked as a storyliner and script edit­or for an award-win­ning prime­time daily. Today, she is devel­op­ing and co-writ­ing mul­tiple TV formats for the Ger­man and inter­na­tion­al mar­ket and has won sev­er­al pres­ti­gi­ous grants. As co-founder of trans­form­Story, she is fos­ter­ing storytelling for a wide range of companies.

Recent Credits:

  • Influencer, writer and creator (with Julien Anscutter), La Belle Affaire Productions, Neopol Film, Germany/France
  • Alles Pussys, writer and creator (with Daniela Baumgärtl), H&V Entertainment, Germany


German, English
