Will Buck­ing­ham

US | Germany

Will is a Ber­lin-based Amer­ic­an writer work­ing in the inter­na­tion­al enter­tain­ment industry for almost 15 years. He has writ­ten made-for-TV movies that have aired world­wide on Life­time Chan­nel, Hall­mark, SkyTV, Prime, TF1, M6, Antena3, and many more. He has developed series with DARK cre­at­or Jantje Friese and optioned ori­gin­al TV & film pro­jects to Germany’s Net­work-Movie and 2Pilots Filmpro­duc­tion. He was a par­ti­cipant in the 2023 CAN­NESER­IES Tal­ent Unlim­ited Res­id­ency sponsored by Canal+. He also worked as a Hol­ly­wood script ana­lyst for cli­ents includ­ing CAA and Miramax. Will gradu­ated from NYU-Tisch School of the Arts Asia with an MFA in Dra­mat­ic Writ­ing. Cur­rently he is devel­op­ing hor­ror-com­edy The Vam­pire of Sheung Shui, a Hong Kong-Asia Film Fin­an­cing For­um (HAF) select­ee and award win­ner, exec­ut­ive pro­duced by Michael J. Wern­er (THE GRAND­MAS­TER), as well as sev­er­al pro­jects for US and European film and television.