
John Vorhaus

Writer (USA)

John Vorhaus is best known for his com­edy-writ­ing clas­sic, The Com­ic Tool­box: How to be Funny Even if You’re Not. He has taught and trained writers in 40 coun­tries on five con­tin­ents at last count, and cre­ated TV shows of his own in Nicaragua, Romania and else­where. His writ­ing cred­its include dozens of tele­plays and screen­plays, plus sev­en nov­els and some two dozen works of non-fic­tion. His latest book is The Book of Prac­tice: How to do Bet­ter What You Want to do Well. Vorhaus is a gradu­ate of Carne­gie Mel­lon Uni­ver­sity and a mem­ber of the Writers Guild of Amer­ica. He lives in South­ern Cali­for­nia and can be found online at www​.john​vorhaus​.com.