
Kat­rin Merkel

Head of Studies

Kat­rin stud­ied Ger­man lit­er­at­ure and French Lan­guage at the Uni­ver­sity of Ham­burg and gradu­ated with a Bach­el­or of Arts. First work­ing as a freel­an­cer and Video-Journ­al­ist in Ham­burg, she first entered into film pro­duc­tion in 1996. Start­ing her career as a screen­writer she worked from 2001 to 2009 as a Script Read­er and Dram­at­urge for the fic­tion depart­ment of RTL Tele­vi­sion in Cologne. Since 2010 Kat­rin is work­ing as a freel­ance dram­at­urge, script con­sult­ant and teach­er for seri­al storytelling.

In 2021 she pub­lished DER GER­MAN ROOM togeth­er with her Co-Writer Timo Gößler – about the US Writers’ Room Sys­tem in Ger­man Seri­al Devel­op­ment. Since then she is focused on cre­at­ive growth of European TV writ­ing as a tech­er, speak­er and Writers´ Room-Coach. She is teach­ing seri­al storytelling and Writers’ Room pro­tocol at ifs filmschool (Cologne), mas­ter­school dre­hbuch (Ber­lin), HFF Kon­rad Wolf (Munic), mid­point (Prague), Filmschool Lodz and focal (Switzer­land). Since 2022 she is Head of Stud­ies of Seri­al Eyes at dffb in Berlin.
