Felice Götze


Felice Götze star­ted his pro­fes­sion­al career as a journ­al­ist in the boom­ing elec­tron­ic music scene of the nineties. A stint in inter­na­tion­al busi­ness stud­ies and invest­ment bank­ing fol­lowed, before he decided to pur­sue a career in the film & TV industry.

Felice enrolled at HFF Munich (Munich Film School), where he went for a double degree study­ing both “Movie Pro­duc­tion & Media Man­age­ment” and “Dir­ect­ing”. Dur­ing this time he worked as a script ana­lyst for Tan­dem Com­mu­nic­a­tions, Tele­pool and SWR. After gradu­at­ing with two accom­plished short films, Felice wrote and dir­ec­ted for Ger­man crime formats like TATORT or SOKO 5113.

He then cre­ated the suc­cess­ful Franco-Ger­man prime time thrill­er series ÜBER DIE GRENZE/BORDERLAND for ARD. Upon com­plet­ing the Seri­al Eyes pro­gramme, Felice became the head writer of LEG­AL AFFAIRS (ARD). An award-win­ning leg­al show that has been appre­ci­ated by crit­ics as “Suits on speed” and is now on NETFLIX.

In the devel­op­ment of both shows – LEG­AL AFFAIRS and ÜBER DIE GRENZE/BORDERLAND – Felice organ­ized and lead the writers’ room.

For sev­er­al years now he has been using the Enneagram as a tech­nique to cre­ate and sharpen char­ac­ters. In his sem­in­ar „The Enneagram For Storytellers“ Felice teaches his under­stand­ing of the tool to inter­ested industry professionals.