
Imme­di­ate Meas­ures to Stem Coronavir­us Spread

Dear friends,

The DFFB is aware of its respons­ib­il­ity towards the health of its employ­ees, teach­ing staff, and stu­dents, and we wish to ful­fil this oblig­a­tion. In order to con­tain the spread of the Coronavirus—to thereby pro­tect our soci­ety in gen­er­al and vul­ner­able indi­vidu­als in particular—the fol­low­ing meas­ures will come into imme­di­ate effect:

  • The DFFB will go into emer­gency oper­a­tion from Fri­day, 20 March 2020. Access to the DFFB for stu­dents and guests is com­pletely sus­pen­ded. The DFFB staff will con­tin­ue work­ing from home.
  • The DFFB and Seri­al Eyes’ teach­ing activ­it­ies are now dis­con­tin­ued until fur­ther notice. We will promptly review and intern­ally com­mu­nic­ate to stu­dents and teach­ing staff all meas­ures taken to address the neces­sary post­pone­ments of courses. The same applies to altern­at­ive teach­ing meas­ures, for example, the pos­sib­il­ity of imple­ment­ing teach­ing units online.
  • All intern­al and pub­lic events such as DFFB pan­els, con­fer­ences, and screen­ings are can­celled until fur­ther notice. We will inform you about any altern­at­ive dates or formats via our estab­lished chan­nels in due course.
  • All stu­dents, lec­tur­ers, and employ­ees of the DFFB are encour­aged to fol­low the recom­mend­a­tions of the health author­it­ies and the Robert Koch Institute.
Stu­dents, employ­ees and lec­tur­ers will be reg­u­larly updated, and they will be indi­vidu­ally con­tac­ted by the rel­ev­ant per­sons at the DFFB. 
Thank you for your under­stand­ing and stay healthy!