
It’s a wrap! Final Pitch 2022

On May 12 the ninth edi­tion of Seri­al Eyes came to a close a suc­cess­ful Final Pitch at Soho House Ber­lin in front of a full house of inter­na­tion­al pro­du­cers, com­mis­sion­ers and agents. 

The pitches kicked off with Will Buckinham’s com­edy Trista Tol­stoy about a scan­dal­ised nov­el­ist search­ing for a second chance. Louise Sil­veri­o’s drama Divi­sion Brute took us into the world of parisi­an youth. Up next was Tox­ic from Bar­bora Námero´va who cap­tiv­ated with her eco-thiller series. Pavlo Voytovych closed the first sec­tion with his Ukrain­i­en com­edy Dir­ect­or’s Cut.

The second sec­tion kicked off with Ivana Sujova who presen­ted her teen hor­ror series Moonchild set in a super­natu­al world of death, ghosts, and night­mares. Timothée Prud­homme fol­lowed up with his super­nat­ur­al drama More which tells the story of pas­sen­gers about a cruise ship head­ing for the after­life. Next up was Lola Faroux who presen­ted her psy­cho­lo­gic­al thrill­er, Syn­drome. To close off, Hugo Apruzesse pitched his wild anim­ated com­edy, Asshole Land, about a teen­age war lord and her crazy adventures.

The final block of pitches got under­way with Kálmán Gastonyi who presen­ted his Sci-Fi drama set in murky world of Hun­gary’s olig­archy, Anew. THIRTY, a com­edy drama about a lost mil­len­ni­al try­ing to find her way, was pitched by Kristina Peter. And finally, Anna-Lena Theo­bald closed the show with her leg­al drama, In the Name of the People.

It was a spec­tac­u­lar day full of won­der­ful and enter­tain­ing pitches. We would like to thank our guests for their attend­ance, and best of luck to the class of 2021–22 with their projects. 

You can view our final pitches here.