Seri­al Eyes #12 Begins: A Year of Cre­ativ­ity and Col­lab­or­a­tion with Inter­na­tion­al Writers

Wel­come to the par­ti­cipants of Seri­al Eyes #12! 🎉

Kick­ing-off the pro­gram on the 3rd of Septem­ber, we had the pleas­ure of wel­com­ing our new twelve par­ti­cipants to the DFFB! We are excited to embark on a cre­at­ive and inspir­ing Seri­al Eyes jour­ney with the new group. Here’s to a year filled with col­lab­or­a­tion, innov­a­tion, and ground­break­ing ideas! We are espe­cially proud to once again have attrac­ted writers from diverse coun­tries such as Por­tugal, Greece, France, the USA, Hun­gary, Ger­many, India, Brazil, and Romania. Their unique exper­i­ences and per­spect­ives will enrich us all and help Seri­al Eyes con­tin­ue to grow! To learn more about their thrill­ing pro­files, click HERE.