
Sub­mis­sions’ Dead­line Exten­ded to 30 April, 2020

Seri­al Eyes, Europe’s premi­er post­gradu­ate train­ing pro­gramme for TV writers and pro­du­cers, is cur­rently accept­ing applic­a­tions for the new admis­sions cycle. Seri­al Eyes pre­pares the next gen­er­a­tion of European TV writers to cre­ate high-end, seri­al­ized storytelling and work in a writers’ room set­ting. Teach­ing staff include top European and Amer­ic­an showrun­ners, writers, exec­ut­ive pro­du­cers and com­mis­sion­ing edit­ors from major European broad­casters, includ­ing CANAL+, HBO Europe, RTL and SKY.  Seri­al Eyes is DFFB’s full-time, res­id­en­tial train­ing pro­gramme based in Ber­lin, run­ning from Septem­ber 2020 through May 2021.
The pro­gramme fee is 4.500 € and cov­ers tuition fee and travel from Ber­lin to Copen­ha­gen, Lon­don and Lille as well as accom­mod­a­tion dur­ing the study trips. A monthly pub­lic trans­port tick­et for Ber­lin will be provided for all par­ti­cipants for the dur­a­tion of the programme.
Applic­ants from Low Capa­city Coun­tries can apply for one of the three MEDIA – Cre­at­ive Europe schol­ar­ships, which cov­ers the full tuition fee of 4.500€.


For full applic­a­tion require­ments, applic­a­tion mater­i­al and inform­a­tion on the schol­ar­ship please vis­it: https://​seri​al​-eyes​.com/​a​d​m​i​s​sions/
For fur­ther inform­a­tion, you can con­tact the pro­gramme coordin­at­or Ms. Fed­er­ica Loddo via e‑mail and read the FAQ sec­tion on the website.