
SE#12 Cre­at­ive Jour­ney: Writ­ing Series with AI

Last week, writers had the oppor­tun­ity to dive into the future of storytelling in a hands-on work­shop led by Char­lene Put­ney and Mar­tin Pichl­mair. Designed for audi­ovisu­al writers, the ses­sion explored how arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence can inspire and assist in craft­ing scripts for film and television.

The day began with an open dis­cus­sion about par­ti­cipants’ needs and the eth­ic­al implic­a­tions of work­ing with AI. Through enga­ging exer­cises, attendees were intro­duced to tools and tech­niques for integ­rat­ing AI into their writ­ing practice.

One high­light was the explor­a­tion of prompt engin­eer­ing, where writers learned to refine their cre­at­ive inputs to gen­er­ate mean­ing­ful and innov­at­ive out­puts with AI. Through­out the work­shop, the group exper­i­mented with mul­tiple AI tools, dis­cov­er­ing new ways to approach story struc­ture and char­ac­ter development.

By the end of the day, every par­ti­cipant had craf­ted a unique piece in col­lab­or­a­tion with AI. The ses­sion closed with a vibrant exchange of ideas, as attendees shared their cre­ations and cel­eb­rated their new­found skills.

Thanks to Char­lene and Mar­tin, this work­shop offered an excit­ing glimpse into the poten­tial of AI as a co-cre­at­or in the world of seri­al writing!