

Seri­al Eyes is not just about devel­op­ing an ori­gin­al TV drama series through the curriculum—it’s about cul­tiv­at­ing the skills to col­lab­or­ate effect­ively, respect­fully, and pro­duct­ively. This vis­ion depends on hav­ing the right people, which is why we place great emphas­is on select­ing par­ti­cipants. Our goal is for them to con­tin­ue reap­ing the bene­fits long after the pro­gram ends by form­ing a net­work that is both cre­at­ively enrich­ing and pro­fes­sion­ally sus­tain­able. To achieve this, the pro­gram high­lights the wealth of oppor­tun­it­ies avail­able with­in Seri­al Eyes and life in Ber­lin, while act­ively fos­ter­ing dir­ect con­nec­tions with the industry and our partners.


Divided into two semesters (fall and spring), each semester has are vari­ous core mod­ules, in which courses with a them­at­ic focus are combined. 


We put an extraordin­ary amount of effort into con­stantly improv­ing the pro­gram and adapt­ing it to the needs of the mar­ket – with the extremely valu­able feed­back and input of our industry part­ners. 


Inter­ested in becom­ing a Seri­al Eye? Click the link below to find all the inform­a­tion about the require­ments and doc­u­ments needed for a suc­cess­ful applic­a­tion – and what hap­pens after you have applied.

Life @SE

Seri­al Eyes is so much more than just writ­ing! It’s an immers­ive, fast-paced pro­gram where aspir­ing series cre­at­ors mas­ter the craft of TV writ­ing while build­ing last­ing pro­fes­sion­al connections.