Adrien Mabile


Influ­enced by the 2000s US shows he was watch­ing right after school, Adrien star­ted writ­ing at 10 and, encour­aged by his three sib­lings – his first audi­ence -, he has not stopped since. After gradu­at­ing in Screen­play in Par­is, he worked as an assist­ant to the story edit­or and then became a writer on THE MONCH­HI­CHI TRIBE (com­edy, action, adven­ture), an anim­ated show broad­cas­ted on TF1 and in 100+ coun­tries, for which he par­ti­cip­ated in Writer’s Rooms and delivered 20 epis­odes. He then joined Super­prod as a bible and epis­ode writer for an anim­ated show in con­ven­tion devel­op­ment with France Télé­vi­sions, and col­lab­or­ated with part­ners such as La Rai and a Chinese plat­form in the pro­cess. Draw­ing on his exper­i­ences in anim­a­tion to devel­op the live-action shows he always wanted to write, Adrien entered Eureka Series in 2022 with his pro­ject EATEN, a social drama show in the behind-the-scenes of French haute-gast­ro­nomy. He is since then devel­op­ing live-action films and series with pro­du­cers in vari­ous genres, as well as graph­ic nov­els in col­lab­or­a­tion with artists. He is espe­cially inter­ested in explor­ing the flawed nature of human beings on both intim­ate and soci­et­al scales, will­ing to go dark but nev­er los­ing hope.