
Aman­da Gicharu


Aman­da is a Kenyan multi-award-win­ning writer, pro­du­cer, and dir­ect­or for tele­vi­sion, film, anim­a­tion, video games, and graph­ic nov­els. At one of the world’s lead­ing nar­rat­ive-driv­en mobile game pub­lish­ers, Wooga, she delivered hun­dreds of seri­al­ized anim­ated epis­odes to a daily audi­ence of almost 2 mil­lion view­ers. Pre­vi­ously, Aman­da drove Google Kenya’s brand-build­ing efforts and developed award-win­ning storytelling cam­paigns span­ning 35 Afric­an coun­tries. She joined Google from the United Nations, where she dir­ec­ted enlight­en­ing invest­ig­at­ive doc­u­ment­ar­ies. Now, through Barakoa, her trans-media pro­duc­tion com­pany, Aman­da show­cases little-known Afric­an stor­ies that are both cap­tiv­at­ing and mean­ing­ful in their rep­res­ent­a­tion of the continent’s vibrant heritage.