Geor­gia Fotou


Geor­gia worked in advert­ising for 10 years before try­ing her hand at stor­ies longer than 30 seconds. When her short-film, Moments of Wis­dom, won a nation­al con­test, she decided to study screen­writ­ing at the Amer­ic­an Col­lege of Greece. She wrote Par­is and Helen, a 12-epis­ode ori­gin­al crim­edy for ANT1tv, and co-wrote 8 remakes of inter­na­tion­al series for all the major Greek TV net­works. She’s now shoot­ing VIP, an ori­gin­al 30-epis­ode com­edy about a cor­rupt retire­ment home that will air on ANT1tv on Octo­ber 2024.

Her dram­edy, “Babython” about infer­til­ity and par­ent­hood developed dur­ing Seri­al Eyes in 2020 was optioned in Greece as a book and a min­iser­ies and made it to the 2022 short­l­ist of Studio21 Drama Series script com­pet­i­tion and POFF TvBeats co-fin­an­cing for­um (2023), even­tu­ally win­ning the Col­lab­or­at­ive future Award at Seri­en­camp in Cologne (2023).

Geor­gia also works as a story con­sult­ant, a freel­ance copy­writer, a children’s stor­ies author and a storytelling sem­in­ar tutor.


On devel­op­ment

  • Babython – green­lit for spring 2025 by ERT S.A. (Greek pub­lic network)

Ori­gin­al Series: 

  • 2024: VIP – / Ori­gin­al Com­edy Series for ANT1tv ‑air­ing Oct. 2024
  • 2021: “Save me” mini-series / crime nov­el adapt­a­tion / Script con­sult­ant (ANT1+)
  • 2010 : Moments of Wis­dom / Short film – 1st prize for ori­gin­al screen­play / Creator
  • 2009: “Par­is & Eleni” (Greek com­edy series) – co-cre­at­or – (ANT1tv)


  • 2023 Le Baz­ar de la Char­ité / French drama mini series – staff writer (ANT1tv)
  • 2021 “La Suegra” / remake Colom­bi­an Fam­ily soap – / Head Writer (AlphaTV)
  • 2019 Chirin­guito de Pepe” / Span­ish TV com­edy – staff writer (ANT1tv)
  • 2018 “Escen­as de Mat­ri­mo­nio” / Span­ish com­edy- Staff writer (AlphaTV)
  • 2017 “Nuevo Rico, Nuevo Pobre/ Colom­bi­an fam­ily com­edy – Staff writer (Alpha tv)
  • 2016 Your Fam­ily or Mine/ Israeli sit­com – Staff writer (Alpha tv)
  • 2014 “Gradua­dos” / Argen­tine tel­en­ov­ela – Staff writer (Mega tv)
  • 2011 “Los Roldan” / Argen­tine tel­en­ov­ela – Staff writer (Mega tv)